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Almost third of Shropshire workers earn less than 'living wage'

New figures from the Office for National Statistics indicates that 32,000 workers in Shropshire are earning less than £8.75 per hour. 27.3% of the workforce in Shropshire are earning less than the Real Living Wage, compared to 24.7% of the West Midlands workforce.

The figures reveal that women and part-time workers were most likely to be earning low wages. 31% of women in Shropshire are earning less than £8.75 an hour, compared to 23.5 per cent of men.

The Real Living Wage calculates the minimum amount a person needs to meet their everyday living costs. It is currently set at £9 per hour (increased from £8.75). It is higher than the National Living Wage introduced by the Government in 2016 which is set at £8.21 for all workers aged 25 and over.


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