July updates from the SFPA
Over 30 Shropshire communities and organisations speak out on stigma and the cost-of-living crisis
June update from the SFPA
May updates from the SFPA
March updates from the SFPA
February updates from the SFPA
January updates from the SFPA
December updates from the SFPA
Money Counts training sessions
October updates from the SFPA
September updates from the SFPA
Challenge Poverty Week- get involved at one of our events
August updates from the SFPA
Shropshire's food banks report deep concern over planned cut to Universal Credit
July updates from the SFPA
What do we mean by food insecurity and how does it impact children?
‘Cash first’ solutions to food insecurity: a new leaflet for Shropshire
New map shows patterns of food insecurity in the UK
New report shows that a healthy diet remains out of reach for many
June updates from the SFPA